Message from GCID Chief Executive Officer

MSuglo Adbdul-Raheem Umarulti-bi assistance System provide the best prospect for an inclusive process to set the rules for international conduct and a forum to promote values important to the globalized world, including democracy, good governance, human rights, human development, security  and social justice. Nevertheless, to promote multilateral cooperation and harmonize with the international community, GCID is spearheading a global lobbying effort to speed up progress on strengthening  and opening up its policy direction in partnership with multilateral organizations, including international cooperation agencies and organizations, the United Nations and its agencies, programmes, funds and conventions, working for sustainable economic and social development and security, the European Union, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States, the Arab League etcetera;  through joint programmes, joint execution, monitoring and evaluation of projects including donor funds, conduction of  research, enhancing capacity development and fellowship and synchronization of our policy direction with governments, international cooperation agencies, organizations and institutions around the world.

Nevertheless, In collaboration with multilateral organizations or so called multi-bi assistance; including foreign governments; GCID anticipate to direct, design, coordinate and implement international cooperation programmes, aimed at promoting global economic development including international trade, global health, agriculture, environment and climate change, national and transnational security, social  justice and peace, including the enhancement of democratic systems and the promotion of human rights and good governance among other ‘face fits’ programmes worldwide.

The values and principles that are illustrative of the way GCID operates are the principles of mutual respect, collective commitment, complementary contribution, gender equality, reciprocal accountability and equity.

We invite actors in this direction worldwide to join hands with us to explore every path that opens the doors of free societies and cooperation among states and non-state agencies to make the world a better place for the entire world’s population.


Suglo Abdul-Raheem Umar
(Chief Executive Officer)



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Logo African Union
Logo Economic Community of West African States
Logo Arab League
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